Category Archives: Health

Protect Your Hearing: Ear Health Supplements Unveiled

Optimal ear health depends on nurturing the “wire” that carries sound from your ear cells to your brain. Our ear health supplement provides a natural blend of ingredients known to increase circulation in the inner ear and help promote normal hearing function.

Zinc supports hearing, and Ginkgo Biloba improves blood flow. Folate (vitamin B9) reduces the risk of age-related hearing loss, while Vitamin C and E combat oxidative stress.


Magnesium is a mineral that is important for overall health and it is particularly helpful for maintaining blood flow to the ears. It helps combat free radicals which reduce hearing by oxidizing delicate inner-ear cells. Research has shown that magnesium can prevent or improve the outcome of noise-induced hearing loss, drug ototoxicity and sudden sensorineural hearing loss. It can also be used to treat tinnitus. Magnesium can also improve low-tone hearing in guinea pigs exposed to gunshot noise. Moreover, magnesium therapy is effective in reducing threshold shifts 7 days after sound trauma and is very safe with few contraindications.

You can get magnesium through your diet, as it’s found in many foods, especially dairy products and vegetables. However, supplements are often recommended because the body can’t always absorb enough magnesium through food alone. Supplements are often more effective if they’re taken with other vitamins and minerals because they work synergistically. However, high doses of magnesium over time can cause digestive problems such as nausea and diarrhea.

Folic Acid

Folate (also called vitamin B9) is believed to help protect hearing. It is needed to create myelin, a protective covering that helps nerves communicate with one another. Folate deficiency has been linked to tinnitus and increasing your intake can relieve its symptoms.

All women who are able to become pregnant should take 400 micrograms (also known as mcg) of folic acid per day. This helps reduce the risk of neural tube defects (NTDs) like spina bifida in babies. It can also lower the risk of cleft lip and palate, where a baby’s upper lip doesn’t close properly.

Folic acid supplements can be found in multivitamins, children’s chewable vitamins and liquid drops, or sold separately. However, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before taking high doses of folic acid (much more than the amount in a standard multivitamin). Long-term use of high doses can mask vitamin B12 deficiency. (2)

Vitamin C

Vitamins, structurally complex organic substances, perform myriad tasks for the body and its organs. They bolster immunity, strengthen bones and heal wounds. They also help the body absorb nutrients and make energy. Your ears need vitamins to function properly.

A diet rich in vitamin C, which is known as ascorbic acid, improves ear health. This nutrient ensemble has been shown to ease hearing stress, reduce ear sensitivity and protect against permanent hearing loss.

The ear’s complex structure involves a network of sensory nerves and minuscule bones that decode sounds. The ear needs healthy bone tissue, which is supported by vitamin D. The ear is also protected by vitamin E, which works as an antioxidant to deescalate the oxidative stress levels that can damage inner-ear cells.

Folic acid, which is found in foods such as broccoli, kale, Swiss chard and spinach, helps to form red blood cells that support the inner-ear’s sensory cell development. Folic acid and vitamin C have been shown to slow age-related hearing loss. Cortexi is a good supplement that provides all these nutrients for your ear.

Omega 3

Omega-3 fatty acids are part of the phospholipids that form the structures of cell membranes. They help to make eicosanoids, which are hormone-like substances that regulate body processes including immune function, blood pressure and hearing.

Researchers have found that people with higher levels of the omega-3 fatty acid docosahexanenoic acid (DHA) are less likely to report hearing problems than those with lower levels. This is thought to be because DHA helps to safeguard the cells in the inner ear and may reduce the inflammatory response to loud noises, chemicals and infections that can cause hearing loss.

You can increase your DHA intake by eating fatty fish like salmon, trout, sardine and Atlantic mackerel or by taking fish oil supplements. It is important to look for a supplement that states the amount of DHA per serving and also contains other beneficial nutrients such as magnesium, folate and Vitamin C. Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplements.

The Science of Sensuality: Understanding Libido Enhancement

There are many herbal remedies that claim to increase sexual desire in men and women. Some, such as yohimbe (Tribulus terrestris) work by increasing blood flow and stimulating hormone production. Others, such as ginkgo biloba and L-citrulline, work by treating certain conditions that can affect libido.

Other natural methods include stress management and regular exercise. Sleep, particularly good quality sleep, can also improve libido.


Many of us have heard that a drink or two can help to stoke our libido. Alcohol can lower inhibitions and make you more sexually open, but it’s important to remember that too much alcohol can also have negative effects on the body, including affecting orgasms.

People are more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior—such as having unprotected intercourse—when they are drunk. This is why it’s so important to always use barrier protection when engaging in sexual activity, no matter what you’re doing.

Many of the drinks that claim to be libido enhancers contain ingredients like L-citrulline, tongkat ali (also known as longjack) and Muira Puama, along with other herbs and supplements. These are natural options that can be used to support libido without the harmful side effects of alcohol. The best thing you can do is to drink water when using these libido enhancers. This will prevent dehydration and reduce the amount of fluids in the bloodstream, which can interfere with the body’s arousal response.

Recreational Drugs

Many people take recreational drugs as a means of elevating their mood and feeling more confident in the bedroom. These drugs can also increase libido by making it easier to reach orgasm and/or ejaculate during sex. These substances include prescription medications such as sildenafil and sertraline as well as dietary supplements like L-arginine, zinc oxide and creatine.

Combining drugs with sex isn’t new, but research shows it’s becoming more common across genders and sexual orientations. The Global Drug Survey surveyed people and found that alcohol, cannabis, MDMA and cocaine were the most commonly used drugs to enhance sex. The study also found that people were more likely to combine these drugs with sex if they identified as gay or bisexual.

These types of drugs are known as ‘chemsex’ drugs because they can be used to enhance a person’s libido during sex by increasing sensations of pleasure and intimacy. They also help to reduce anxiety and inhibitions, making it easier for people to engage in sexual risk-taking behaviors.


With Valentine’s Day approaching, drugstore aisles are stocked with pills and potions claiming to boost libido. But a Harvard-affiliated urologist says most of these supplements are a phenomenal waste of money.

Most of these products contain a blend of herbs with unproven results. Some common ingredients include ashwagandha, L-arginine, horny goat weed, maca root and tribulus. Some are more likely to help female sexual drive than others. Damiana is thought to increase the libido in women by warming the pelvic area and easing congestion. It also increases blood flow for better orgasms. Other herbal libido enhancers include fenugreek, red clover and ginseng.

Vitamins and minerals may also improve libido. Try to get enough folic acid, iron and magnesium. Folic acid is found in leafy vegetables, legumes and nuts. Iron is found in animal foods like meat and seafood. Magnesium is available in nuts, whole grains and green vegetables. Vitamin B3, or niacin, helps blood flow and stimulates adrenal glands to produce sex hormones. You could also give this supplement “Provestra” a try.


Exercise is one of the best things you can do to increase your libido. Moderate exercise has been proven to boost testosterone levels, the hormone that impacts sexual desire in both men and women. However, you should not spend every waking moment in the gym. Too much exercise can actually decrease libido in some cases.

Exercise increases blood flow throughout the body, including to your genitals. This is the first physiologic step in arousal, and it also helps to improve lubrication and erectile function. Some exercises that target the groin area, such as static squats, are especially effective.

Additionally, regular physical activity improves self-esteem and confidence, which are libido boosters in themselves. Finally, exercise can help you combat stress, anxiety and depression, all of which can dampen libido. If you have serious medical conditions, such as diabetes or high blood pressure, that require medication, exercising regularly may enable you to lower your dosages or even eliminate them entirely.

The Journey of Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implants are the most natural-looking and feeling tooth replacement option available. They allow you to bite with the same force as natural teeth and help prevent bone loss in the jawbone where missing teeth have been.

Implants require a team of specialists to plan and perform the procedure. This includes a doctor who specializes in conditions of the mouth, jaw and face (oral and maxillofacial surgeon) and a dentist who designs and fits artificial teeth (prosthodontist).


Before undergoing dental implant surgery, patients should prepare by visiting their dentist to discuss the procedure. The dentist should also review the patient’s medical history and any medications that are taken regularly, including over-the-counter and prescription pharmaceuticals. This helps the dentist determine if any of the medications may interfere with a successful implant outcome. Patients should also make sure to visit their primary care doctor for a full medical evaluation and blood work before undergoing implant surgery.

Once the dentist has a complete picture of a patient’s oral health, they will make a treatment plan. This is customized to the specific needs of each patient and takes into account things like how many teeth need replacing, as well as the state of the jawbone and remaining teeth. It is important for patients to understand that not everyone is a strong candidate for implants, because the procedure requires a certain amount of healthy bone material. In some cases, the dentist will recommend a bone graft to improve the bone material at the surgical site before placing an implant.

During the implant process, the dentist will first numb the mouth using local anesthesia. Next, the dentist makes an incision in the gum to expose the bone and create space for the implant screw. Lastly, the implant screw is placed into the bone, and a metal spacer (called an abutment) is added to hold the crown.

Following implant surgery, it is important for the patient to eat soft foods and liquids. The dentist will advise the patient on a diet that promotes healing and will suggest any necessary follow-up appointments. It is important for patients to schedule these appointments and attend them on time, because ignoring complications can transform them into serious issues that could impact the success of the implant.

Finally, it is a good idea for patients to prepare by clearing their calendars and getting a friend or family member to drive them to the surgery and help for the first day or two afterward. This is because patients will be exhausted and a bit foggy following the surgery, and they will need someone to be able to get them home safely.


If you decide to get dental implant surgery, your dentist will develop a treatment plan tailored to your unique needs. They’ll review your medical history and take X-rays and 3D imaging to evaluate the status of your jawbone and remaining teeth. If your jawbone isn’t thick enough for implant support, a bone graft may be necessary to build up the area. This procedure involves taking a piece of bone from another part of your body, usually the hip or jawbone, and adding it to the site of the missing tooth. The graft is allowed to heal for two to six months.

Once the graft has healed, your oral surgeon will schedule an appointment for the actual surgery. They’ll give you anesthesia to numb the area before making an incision. They’ll then use a series of tools to create an opening in the jawbone for the implant and prepare the area by widening it until it’s the right size for the implant.

Next, the titanium implant is placed into the site and a “healing cap” is placed on top. The implant is now ready for your future dental restoration, which can be either removable dentures or fixed teeth that screw into the abutment. If you choose to have fixed teeth, we’ll make a model of your bite so that the crown can be built precisely around the implant and abutment.

You’ll need to avoid smoking or chewing hard foods because this can damage the implant. We’ll also instruct you to keep the surgical area clean and to brush and floss regularly. After your treatment, you’ll have three-month and annual appointments to check for infection, inflammation or other problems. If these aren’t treated in time, they can transform into severe issues that threaten the success of your dental implant.

Exploring Addiction Treatment Programs, The Pathway to Healing

Addiction treatment programs provide medical, psychological, and emotional care to help a person overcome their dependence on alcohol or drugs. These programs vary from short-term residential treatment to ongoing outpatient support groups. Some addiction treatments address underlying mental health symptoms, and others help people understand and manage their triggers to use. In addition, some programs offer educational seminars and family therapy to promote a healthy recovery for the whole family.

A good drug addiction treatment program will identify any co-occurring psychiatric disorders that may contribute to a person’s addictive behavior. Many addicts suffer from undiagnosed and untreated mental health conditions that can have a negative impact on their ability to achieve and maintain recovery. The program should also include intensive treatment for any other behavioral disorders that may be contributing to the addictive behavior such as anger management or stress management.

Most drug addiction treatment programs include some form of counseling and therapy, which is usually on a one-on-one basis with a trained professional. This can include cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps a person recognize and change the negative ways of thinking that can be associated with using drugs or alcohol. Other forms of counseling and therapy may include equine-assisted psychotherapy, which combines the benefits of horse riding with the proven therapeutic effects of counseling.

Medications may be prescribed as part of a drug addiction treatment program to help manage withdrawal symptoms and prevent relapse. These medications will be determined by the doctor based on the substance that is being used and the severity of the addiction. Most people who have an addiction to alcohol or drugs do not require medication to remain drug free, but it can be helpful for those with severe problems.

If a person is attending long-term residential treatment, they will live at the rehab facility full time and receive 24-hour care. This is in contrast to outpatient rehabilitation, where a person attends treatment sessions during the day and goes home at night. It is important to find addiction treatment programs that’s best suited for each patient. During inpatient rehab, a person will meet other people in the same situation as themselves, which can boost motivation and self-esteem. They will also learn how to develop a supportive network of peers in recovery.

After a healthy lunch, the rehab center will usually have an afternoon session of therapy or counseling. This can be an individual session with a counselor, or it can be group therapy for those who are experiencing similar issues in their recovery journey. During these sessions, the counselor will teach the client how to safely manage their emotions without feeling the need to turn to drugs or alcohol for relief.

Some rehab facilities have programs that are tailored for certain populations such as first responders, veterans, members of the LGBTQ community, and healthcare professionals. These specialized programs are designed to provide a safe environment in which the people who attend can be empowered to recover in their own way, and they can find a sense of community that is important in addiction recovery.